Our Optislim Weight Loss programs are designed to assist weight loss and weight management by providing Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) and Low Calorie Diet (LCD) meal replacements in a range of Shakes, Soups and Bars. Optislim VLCD and LCD Shakes, Soups and bars provide you with your daily intake of essential vitamin and minerals.
Page updated 22/05/19 12:47:36 p.m.
As the weather cools it is easy to start snoozing the alarm because it's just to cold to get out of bed and go to the gym. At meal times there's something so enticing about reaching for all of the carbs and comfort food to stay warm and cuddly. The trouble is that that comfort food can also lead to a few extra centimetres around your waist (or in my case an extra chin). So if you are keen to ward off that winter insulation you might like to check out the new product range we got in store this month.
The Optislim Weight Loss programs is designed to assist weight loss and weight management by providing Very Low-Calorie Diet (VLCD) and Low Calorie Diet (LCD) meal replacements in a range of Shakes, Soups and Bars. These meal replacements provide you with your daily intake of essential vitamin and mineral. And the best thing is you don't have to cook and meal prep. Which is perfect if you are busy with work or the kids and want food fast.
- No meal prep and no meal planning
- Make a meal in less than 5 minutes
- Get variety while controlling your calories
- Take the struggle out of weightless and remove unhealthy choices from your diet
- Drink smoothies, bars and soups in tasty flavours.
- Save on your meals