Snoring and relationships
Snoring problems can put a strain on relationships. So if you find you or your partner can not get a good nights rest its time to start looking at your snoring products options.
Snoring and OSA can have a huge effect on your Life, Health, Relationships, Self Esteem and you your performance at work or at play.
What about the effect that snoring is having on your partner health: Lack of sleep which can lead to poor concentration, falling asleep during the day, tiredness, headaches, possible trips to the doctor for sleep pills or a something to boost energy.
Or their relationship with you: Arguing, Sleep on the couch, separate bedrooms? Ruined sex life? Divorce.
What Causes Snoring?
Snoring is caused by friction in the tounge, nasal cavity and mouth while you sleep. It can cause hypertension, high blood pressure, poor concentration, tiredness nocturnal toilet visits, sleep walking, sore throats and headaches.
What is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?
This is where the tongue is sucked back against the throat and blocks breathing. This can decrease blood flow and airflow to the brain. Which in turn causes an adrenaline kick where the sleeper is woken up by taking several large gasps of fresh air and has an increased heart rate. This can happen hundreds of times a night and often leaves you without a restorative nights sleep.
O.S.A has been lead to increased risk of high blood pressure, hypertension, strokes, cardiovascular disorders, depressions, impotence, reflux, heartburn, obesity, diabetes, memory problems.
What About The Financial Cost Of Snoring?
Imagine never getting a sound nights sleep. The next day you get up and have a strong coffee to wake you up with breakfast. Then on your morning tea break you may turn to energy drinks or soft drinks and a sugary snack for energy, then at lunch you have another coffee to give you a boost. That's $3-$10 worth of drinks and junk food just to give you an energy boost. Now lets take the minimum of $3 a day on coffee or energy drinks.
Now lets take the bear minimum cost:
That's $3x7= $21 a week for energy drinks and coffee.
That's $21x52 = $1092 a year.
$1092 for energy drinks and coffee. Not to mention to hundreds of dollars you could spend on doctors visits or relationship councilling due to your snoring.
Visualize yourself using our product to get a sound night sleep and wake up feeling rested and energized. Think about making use of extra money you saved by getting a good nights sleep and no longer needed your energy drink or coffee hit a day.
Before you make your decision, ask yourself this critical question can I afford to keep snoring?
Page updated 06/04/18 12:47:36 p.m.