5 Signs of Magnesium Deficiency and Natural Sources of Magnesium

5 Signs of Magnesium Deficiency and Natural Sources of Magnesium

Low magnesium levels are quite difficult to detect using medical procedures. The reason for this is due to the highest concentration of magnesium in your body being found in your bones and vital organs. Only 1% of the body’s magnesium can be detected in the blood, of which only 0.3% is found in the blood serum. So, even if you undergo a clinical blood serum test, the test may not be able to identify magnesium deficiency.


However, by answering a few simple questions, it is possible to get an indication of whether you may be suffering from magnesium deficiency or not.

1. Are you a habitual soda drinker?

Studies have shown that most dark coloured sodas contain phosphates. Phosphates prevent the body from absorbing magnesium and flush it out of the system. So, if you drink a lot of dark coloured soda, it is possible you are not absorbing the magnesium that is contained in the other foods you eat.

2. Are you fond of eating pastries, cakes, desserts, lollies or other sweet food?

The processing of sugar cane results in the depletion of its natural magnesium content. Not only does refined sugar contain zero magnesium, but it also causes the body to eliminate magnesium through the kidneys. Often we eat sweet foods in place of whole foods. And whole foods contain most of the vital nutrients the body needs to function properly. So, the more sugary foods you eat, the less vital nutrients your body gets.

3. Are you under a lot of stress?

Whether you are under physical, emotional or psychological stress, the body reacts the same.  All these types of stresses can result in lower magnesium levels in the body. Studies have shown that when adrenaline and cortisol, hormones that are released in a “fight or flight” situation, are released, magnesium levels decrease. (Source: Dean C. The Magnesium Miracle. New York: Ballantine Books; 2007)

4. Are you under diuretic, heart or asthma medication, birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy?

It has been found out that one of the side effects of the above medications, is an increase in magnesium loss by elimination through the kidneys. Therefore, decreasing your body’s magnesium levels.

5. Are you a habitual alcohol drinker?

If you consume more than seven alcoholic beverages a week, you are most likely a candidate for magnesium deficiency. This is because alcohol has the same effects as a diuretic. So, it lowers the magnesium levels by eliminating it through the kidneys. And as well as this, drinking alcohol can contribute to a decrease in efficiency of the digestive system function as well as decreased levels of Vitamin D. Both of these factors can cause magnesium levels to decline.

What might someone do to combat magnesium deficiency?

There may only be two possible ways you can stop a progressive lowering of magnesium levels, which may eventually result in more serious manifestations of symptoms.

If you have answered ‘no’ to any of the above questions, you may be able to contribute to steady levels of magnesium through natural sources. So, eating foods rich in magnesium including green vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and eggs can help. It would be ideal to search for more information on this topic.

If you have answered ‘yes’ to most of the above questions, it may be beneficial for you to supplement your magnesium levels along with a healthy diet.

There are many forms of magnesium supplementation, Oral supplements, Topical bath flakes, body lotions, gels and oil. As a result of this, transdermal magnesium therapy has become popular.

To learn more about these types of magnesium supplements check out our online store.


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