The Top 5 Cracked Heel Balms for Sore Dry Cracked Heels?

The Top 5 Cracked Heel Balms for Sore Dry Cracked Heels?

It is amazing that such a small surface on our body absorbs so much impact for our body day to day. Feet are an often overlooked part of the body, but it is easy to see how important they are when we develop blisters, corns or create cracked heels. Are your feet looking dry and cracked? Summer has arrived and that means its Jandal season! Whip those heels into summer shape with our cracked heel balms to soothe sore cracked skin.

Painful dry cracked heels.

The trouble with dry heels as they can send that quivering feeling down your skin when they rub together or scratch against your partner in bed. If you are walking around in sandals or jandals they could start to get painful, and the thick skin begins to crack deeper into the skin. Unfortunately, when it gets bad, your average body moisturiser may not be enough. You need a dual product that will nourish, sore dry cracked heels while providing a barrier from outside irritants, and give your skins natural healing abilities the support they need.

Our top 5 Cracked Heel Balms

Tips to get the most of our your cracked heel balm

  1. Have a shower and hydrate your skin, rub the cracked heel balm in to lock the moisture in, and create a barrier from irritants so your skin can start to heel.
  2.  Use a pedicure file or foot sander to remove the extra hard skin, this can sometimes help with the pressure of thick skin on your feet, to support comfort.



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